Mission Statement

Ever since the establishment of the Good Nature Foundation in 2015 we have been striving to provide inspiration to those invested in art and artmaking. This is why we have chosen to set up our Residency Programme in the unique and picturesque landscape of Luppa Island, a small piece of land on the river Danube just a few kilometres outside Budapest. The natural landscape of the island boasting beautiful vistas of abundant greenery and tranquil stretches of water is speckled by a handful of small houses reminiscent of Bauhaus architecture. Luppa Island thus presents the ideal environment for artistic creation, contributing to our ultimate aim of being a source of inspiration.

We recognise the importance of time and space dedicated to creation as well as reception, both of which have been accommodated at Luppa Island: the former through our Residency Programme, the latter via the numerous exhibitions, auctions, and other events we have organised throughout the years. Furthermore, we have been building an independent, non-profit collection that stands as a testimony to the fruitful collaboration between the island, the artists, and us at LuppArt.

Our popular Residency Programme, held every summer on Luppa Island, has been attracting a steady influx of artists at various stages of their professional career.  The ideal conditions provided on the island together with the talent of our residents have resulted in the creation of a plethora of artworks, some of which we have acquired, thereby building our own collection. Following the success of the first few years, we decided to initiate a new phase in LuppArt’s history. Thus began a major expansion accompanied by a number of ambitious changes. From 2018 onwards, prospective residents may gain access to the programme in two different ways: by invitation or by submitting their application online. We have established a new advisory board responsible for the selection and invitation process. Members of this committee comprise a number of distinguished art world professionals representing established art magazines, a high-end commercial gallery, and a prestigious state museum, all of whom have been carefully selected to reflect the integrity of our new programme. Furthermore, we developed a programme of events held by professionals and open to all those interested in broadening their artistic horizons. These include workshops, presentations and discussions on a wide range of topics centred on the arts. Thus, we have opened a new chapter in our history, and hope to attract an increasingly diverse and rich international audience.

Our Story

The LuppArt artists’ colony was founded in 2015 by a small group of people united by their fascination with Luppa Island’s beauty and potential to become an inspirational creative enterprise. Founders Larisza Farmosi, Gábor Farmosi, Zoltán Papp and Zoltán Galambos together with Barcsay Prize-winning painter László Külüs set up the colony on Luppa Island with the aim of providing an inspirational and welcoming setting for young artists. They gradually built up a place that not only exploited the island’s natural beauty but catered for all needs resident artists may have: from accommodation through tools and materials all the way to an inclusive, motivating atmosphere for all those who came to work at Luppa Island. Thus, the island came to represent the ideal environment for a prosperous artists’ colony. In addition, the Foundation started to manage the works created during the summer months, organising auctions and exhibitions with great success.

In subsequent years the Foundation started to expand in numerous ways. It began to build relationships with some of the most important organizations of the Hungarian art world, such as the Hungarian Academy of Fine Art with which a contract of co-operation was signed. Agreements were also reached with important players of the local and regional art market.Furthermore, a new goal of internationalising the colony was set up, and preparations for a great period of expansion commenced. During that time the colony was growing not only in terms of its scope of ambition but in size too: the Foundation ceased a great opportunity, which resulted in a new set of buildings available for artists to use during their stay.

The year 2018 was a real watershed in LuppArt’s history. A major expansion accompanied by a number of ambitious changes started. We changed our application system, establishing a professional advisory board responsible for the selection and invitation process. Additionally, we developed a programme of events including workshops, presentations, and discussions around the arts, held by professionals and open to all those interested in broadening their artistic horizons. Thus, we have opened a new chapter in our story with the aim of attracting an ever-increasing international audience.

2022-ben indítottuk a londoni rezidenciánkat és 2025-től indul a kibővült jelentkezési rendszer ami alapján térítés ellenében külföldi művészeket is tudunk fogadni.

Advisory Board

Zsolt Petrányi

Head of the Contemporary Collection of the Hungarian National Gallery

Gábor Einspach

Director of Einspach & Czapolai Fine Art

Tünde Topor

Editor in chief of Artmagazin

Gábor Rieder

Editor in chief of artkartell.hu

Gábor Farmosi

Director of Curatorial Affairs